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Back to blogging

21 Jun

It has been long since I blogged. Reason being that I had stashed myself somewhere in the rural of rural areas in Kenya where communication is still wanting. Now that am back I feel that there is much to write but I really don’t know where to start. So I might as well start with what is currently driving people nuts….

|The FIFA World Cup 2010.

1. My teams are performing well – Argentina and Netherlands… go! go! This time round I had no African team to support since The Pharaohs were knocked out. Please don’t hate on me…. I just support the best in the field.

2. The Ronaldinho Flair is missing and I don’t know what Dunga was thinking to leave him out of the Brazillian squad.. I would have been nice to see him one final time.

3. England and France – Just pack up and go home. Honestly! These teams have the best players but somehow they are clueless one how to win. Maybe someone should remind them that they are not playing the English Premier League in South Africa. Guys Wake Up! Rooney and company give Gerald some support, while Anelka should know Ribery is always there with the ball for him.

4. Finally, congratulations to Vincent Enyeama (Super Eagle’s gollie). This kid (pictured) can dive, punch, and whatever else is needed to keep that ball from crosing the goal line. It is unfortunate that his defenders were on the other hand clueless leaving him exposed to strikers’ wrath. But credit where its due, He managed to keep Messi at bay! and I salute you for this.

If I had my way Arsene Wenger should signup this kid ASAP! We need this kid at Emirates… Professor!